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Writer's pictureArtsySuzie

You Can Dance!

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Yesterday I was dancing like Beyonce, with a guy streaming from his lounge who looked like he was wearing his pants... very short shorts, dear reader. Tho I cheek, he was a delightfully encouraging and sweetly inclusive instructor and today I can barely move so it worked! Either lockdown is getting to me or what follows is a review of the different classes I've experienced. There are so many to choose from, so hope these give you some options! As I currently have the privilege of free time, it's a great opportunity to try different things for free - I'm also feeling the emotional and healthy benefits of doing fun workouts.


Where? On YouTube and Instagram - Free - but has a PayPal if you want to pay for your lesson

What? It's a dance party class! This week it's Divas....

How? Welcoming and inclusive, you just do what you can, everyone is encouraged to come and dance! It's a lot of fun and the instructor is encouraging, warm and friendly. He really works that 'fourth wall' to engage with the audience beyond the screen(s)! The warm-up to Beyonce's Crazy in Love was great.

Some of the moves are a bit twerky, grindy, catwalk strutty, so I tend to modify as I want to dance not wiggle! But each to their own... There are lots of opportunities to jump up and down, and clap! Also occasionally *interesting* lyrics - see Rihanna, which can throw you off your move busting.

But if you hate exercise classes or really think you can't dance, this is the class for you. Super friendly and positive. I am also astounded by how much AJ can wiggle! It is a wonder....As are the ones where he wears a bobble hat!

Leilah Issac (Belly Dancer)

Where? A mixture of free and paid online classes. The free are on Instagram and YouTube. You can also pay for online taught courses, via Leilah's website or Pineapple Dance Studios.

What? Belly dancing, but also fitness!

How? Leilah is such a beautiful dancer - and I've always wanted to try Bellydancing. I need to check out her YouTube channel as she offers videos for beginners in different techniques. I can do some things, but the amazing shimmy is beyond me.

Challenging the stereotypes of Bellydancing, Leilah offers a range of dance steps on her Instagram class - the YouTube classes are more fitness based. There are also online courses you can pay for. I enjoy her enthusiasm and demonstration of technique. As someone who has neck, knee, back issues, I've had to be careful with some of the bends and stretches, even in warm-up and cool-down, particularly if we're whipping our hair/heads around or squatting as it isn't always clear what to do as a beginner. But as with everything, at your own risk and according to your own body - Leilah is good at offering options for those who don't want to do the whole move. It is above all, fun!

The Bollywood Co

Where? The free classes are on IG Live and Instagram stories. There is also the option to do paid online courses via their website.

What? A mixture of free and paid online classes - you can do Bollywood, Punjabi-influenced dance or Urban Bhangra.

How? Challenging all stereotypes of Bollywood dancing, it's contemporary and fun - be prepared to move! Some are more lyrical interpretations. You are taken through the steps section by section by the instructor - if you want to, there is the opportunity to join in and show off your moves! Not just for girls, there are Bollywood men dance options too. Also, alternate moves are offered so again you can do as much or as little as you want to.

Great banter, and challenge in doing hands, arms, legs and feet all at the same time. The tunes are beautiful. I loved doing lyrical Bollywood, and also adjusting my posture to Punjabi elements - it's all in the shoulders!

Adult Ballet - Pineapple Dance Studios and the School of Classical Russian Ballet

Where? Pineapple Dance Studios are on Instagram/Instagram Stories and also Facebook. The School of Classical Russian Ballet is a paid class (£5) - you book online through their website and then are sent a Zoom link for your class. This means downloading Zoom!

What? I've done the Beginners ballet classes with both. The 12 noon Sunday class for Beginners on Instagram with Pineapple Dance Studios has a terrifically encouraging and positive instructor, and it's amazing what you can do. The instructor makes it fun and encourages us to have a go - tho for me, not the full leg up in the air into the splits cool down at the end! This wasn't typical!!!

The School of Classical Ballet beginners class works you hard but has begun to move into explaining the technique more - to begin with it was quite rushed and assumed. Now I've learnt to slow down what I do and not attempt such a high reach on the leg and knee lifts. But it's a learning curve for everyone!

How? With both, I think they forget that we're not in studios - I've found with the leg work that unless I'm really careful with my positioning, it's easy at points to kick the table, the wall, sofas, anything else around! Also as a beginner to not copy the instructor exactly - I need to keep my height low with all the arabesques and leg stretches, otherwise it's really easy to damage something in ignorance. I would say to take the beginner ballet classes slowly and be cautious about what you do at all times. If you can be like Isabella Boynton and use a kitchen counter as your barre, so much the better. But CindiesBallet classes are for expert dance athletes and beyond!

But, with time, it is satisfying to become more flexible and more ballerina-like! and not snap or break!

For beginner technique, I've found the Royal Academy of Dance at Home classes really helpful.

For more expert beginners, there are a range of classes including DM Studios (again pay through their webite and access via a Zoom link).

Streetdance: FUNkStreet Dance

Where: Facebook, YouTube, paid online private lessons via Zoom or an online paid class through DM Studios, accessed using Zoom.

.What and How? Fun Streetdance for all ages and all levels. If you want a taster try Funky at 5 on Facebook or catch up later on YouTube. I've enjoyed private one to one lessons through Zoom - not only is it lovely to talk to an actual person! but Leila is a friendly, positive and encouraging instructor. The sessions are tailored to the person booking them, and you can ask questions if things aren't clear. I've found it fascinating to learn a new style of dance, in terms of posture, moves and bouncing.

My Charleston

Where? Online classes paid (in your own time, or live classes).

Where? Online, through paid online courses or Zoom taught courses. You can also get free teaching excerpts through YouTube, Instragram and Facebook.

What and How? Roaring 1920s Charleston, from beginners all the way to expert. I did the Level 1 online course (paid and accessed through their website in my own time), and really enjoyed it. Well structured and building to a routine at the end, I found the videos easy to follow and it's great to be able to go through parts again and recap.

MyCharleston are really using the online format, running free one off classes and even a Speakeasy. You can even start your day with stretching classes run on Facebook and Instagram - I found the Facebook one too fast in the warmup and mind boggling - we suddenly went from star jumps to the Lotus position! I'm not that bendy! For me, the Instagram works well, but again I'm modifying some bits as ... I'm not that bendy and there is a Yoga element to both classes. For dancing tho, you're in the money!

Tracie's Latin Club

Where? Online, by subscription. I've been trying the Beginners Salsa over six weeks - each week a £5 subscription is taken out and then you get emailed the week's videos to practice from.

What and How? A range of styles from Salsa to Kizomba are available, ranging from beginner to advanced. You can also view the videos on YouTube. Beware though - you only get a week's access - once the week has gone, you lose access as you move onto a new lesson. The videos are around 20-30 minutes long - each week you get a warm-up, some moves to learn (solo or partner options are both provided), and a bit more background, such as the music. Need to go through it again, but the steps are clearly done and shot; you get several options to repeat, and having the video means you can rewind, rewind, rewind to practice steps or catch the bits you missed. The teaching is positive and up-beat.

PE with Joe

Where? Free on YouTube at The Body Coach TV.

How and What? How could I not mention this cultural phenomenon, Joe Wicks? I'd barely heard of him before lockdown, but really enjoying his YouTube channel - The Body Coach TV. Great for anyone of any level or ability (and not just for families), the PE with Joe sessions make me work hard and work everything, developing my core strength and muscles I never knew I had! It's been a great way of increasing my overall fitness and setting a positive mood for the day. Additionally, I've found that PE with Joe is a good warm-up for everything else - if I do a PE with Joe before a My Charleston stretch class, my back hurts less.

Good for all levels, Joe Wicks will normally give two versions of an exercise, and a challenge if something is too easy. If you can't do the exercise, you are encouraged to do something else instead, and it's ok to take a rest. He is positive, encouraging and funny, plus really loves what he's doing and his family. The family bombs into the live recordings add to the charm. Knowing that each exercise is only 30 seconds long and a 2 minute rest is coming makes it bearable.

Most of all, I don't feel like I'm going to break myself as in some of the beginner ballet classes - I've only had one exercise where my knee made an unpleasant noise - no more enthusiastic lunge jumps for me! As in everything, take it slowly and be safe! There is the option to dress up on Fridays and learn geography as well as testing your mental recall powers in Spot the Difference(s). Even free style dancing, sometimes!

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